Saturday, September 22, 2012


My poor little blog.  It's definitely suffering from the back to school blues around here.  For the past two weeks, every morning, I've thought to myself "I need to blog".  But, then, I just do it in my head and it never makes it onto the computer.  So, here goes. A total mess, make you want to gag, too many photos, super random post.

Chloe and I are both in first grade now.  Actually, she's in the classroom next door to mine.  I've never had the opportunity to teach where my kids go to school until this year.  I must say that it makes my life 100000 times easier than I could ever imagine.  She goes to school with me, comes to my classroom after school, and I can stay late if I need to with no worries.  However, this is how we both feel about 6 o'clock each evening.  Not kidding.  Day 2 of 1st grade.  

We've been watching a lot of Pioneer football, too! We're 4-0 at the moment and heading toward another State Championship this year.  This is how Chloe travels between the car and the bleachers--by way of Grayson.  She already has these boys wrapped.

I HAD to have a girl's night or I was going to die.  Like had a little nervous breakdown the day before.  Even though Ginny, Lisa and I work in the same school, we really don't see one another at all.  And, gosh, do we miss Lara.  So, catch up was absolutely necessary.  

Listen, I know this is the WORST photo ever taken.  
But, folks, this is what true love (and too much sangria) looks like. 

OK, I could not get this to rotate.  But this is the best. picture. ever.  
Teenage girl picture in the bathroom.  We still gots it, ladies.

I've been fall decorating like a crazy girl.  It's my FAVORITE time of the year, hands down.  Found this little gem at Kroger of all places.  I'm breaking down and getting the matching cookie jar this weekend.  

The joy this new little love has brought to my life is unspeakable.  Keurig should hire me as their PR person.  

Another thing that has taken up a huge amount of life time lately.  I'm really coaching middle school volleyball...because I didn't have enough to do.  However, getting to hang out with my daughter and her buds every evening after school and teaching young ladies how to act like young ladies and good sports has really been a great thing.  

Too cute not to include.  Baby's first golf clubs.  She's so stoked, that her Daddy is the happiest he's ever been.  Exact quote from a little practice in the yard last weekend "Dad, how do you want me to finish my swing?"  I've never seen him smile so big.  

We've been cheering on the Herd the past two weekends tailgating our butts off.  Bill and I are both Marshall University alumni (and current students), so we decided that this fall, we were going to make the most of the football season.  It's been a great time! Gotta love 6-year olds that find it necessary to throw gang signs in every photo taken. 

My sisters-in-law, Deb and Kim (with a little Chlo for good measure). 

Another one of Bill's proudest moments.  A daughter who loves to watch football.  

And, a little something to think about to end with.  This past weekend, at WUMC, the message was on teaching our children to love Christ.  My friend, Kara, and I only had one study guide between us, so we snapped a photo to keep on our phones.  One thing that really stuck with me was the idea of "If we don't bring our children to the feet of Jesus, then who will they serve?"  
Obviously one of those that sticks with you. 

Gearing up for a big week! Hanna's homecoming is tonight (tons of pics to follow) and my kiddos at school are killing our apple study.  I'm so pumped with their progress!
Happy Weekend! 

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