Saturday, May 5, 2012


It's true.  I'm officially a "blogger".  This endeavor has been months in the making, but you'd probably never guess that by the looks of this pitiful page...Looks like finding someone to design my blog is next on the list. I've actually put this off, waiting for the "perfect" name.  My former student, sweet friend and super babysitter, Miss Casey, helped me with this one, and I couldn't be more thrilled!   Let's get the formalities out of the way, shall we?  I'm Amanda Preece, an EARLY thirty-something Mama, wife, teacher, daughter, sister, friend from small town West Virginia.  I've lived in the same city my entire life, which I don't find tragic at all. :) I couldn't imagine my life anywhere else.  I adore my family....they are, to sound cliche, number one.  I've been married to my sweet hubby, Bill, for 12 years and we have two gorgeous daughters.  Hanna is 11, knows everything about everything (because she is in middle school, you know) but has the sweetest side.  Chloe is 5, sharp as a tack and wild as a buck! Our kids ALWAYS have something going on, so to say we're busy is the understatement of the year.  

My sweet girls, the morning of our Christmas play at church.  
(I love that they actually like one another in this pic:)

My second most important job in the world is teaching.  My kiddos at school run a very close second to my girls at home.  The Lord really blessed me and knew what he was doing when he put this passion in my heart.  I currently teach 2nd grade at a small, rural school.  I've been there for 6 years, with this being my second year in 2nd grade (I taught 4th before that, and, don't laugh, PE).  We truly are a little family there.  There are only 100 kids in the school and us teachers love one another like sisters.  My husband was actually our principal until this fall, when he took a promotion to the largest elementary school in the county.  While it has been a bittersweet experience to say the least, we have all gotten the nerve to "move on", so to speak.  I'll be at that same, big ol' school this fall, along with three of my absolute dearest friends.  And I'll be teaching first grade.  Wow.  I can't believe I just typed that.  Major changes are coming my way, but I really couldn't be happier.  God never puts more on our plate than we can handle, and He and I both know that I'm ready for this endeavor! 

Bill, Chloe and Hanna after UK girls v. Florida.  Notice my family has eye-contact phobia....

I'll be using this blog to link up with other tired, but inspired, teacher Mamas out there to share ideas and be one another's cheerleaders.  We are a special group, the overworked, underpaid teacher Mama set.  I believe that if we can give one another a little love now and then, our worlds will be a much happier, easier place to live. :) 

OK, I survived my first on to this sad design.......


  1. Congratulations!! Your first post is wonderful!! I wish I had done something like this while I was still teaching!!!! I know you will be an inspiration to many who read your blog!!!

  2. Thanks for the great feedback, guys!!!! I'm loving keeping this journal of our lives:)
